This script parses output from Telegram channel and converts each post to jekyll-applicable post in markdown.
Telegram Desktop creates JSON file, as well as different directories containing multimedia, photos, etc. This script creates new directory and populates it with formatted posts ready to publish.
basic usage
Firstly you need to export your channel history from Telegram Desktop app. This could be done from three dots menu. Then popup menu appears, where you can choose what data you want to export. The script currently supports only photos, voice messages and audio files.
In format menu you should specify ‘Machine-readable JSON’ file and then locate to directory of your desire.
To convert your posts to markdown files you need to run
which takes path to your result.json
file as first argument.
$ python path/to/result.json
By default it will create formatted_posts
directory in your current directory
and populate it with markdown files. If you want to specify other location,
use --out-dir
$ python result.json --out-dir path/to/post/output
Also if your jekyll directory storing media files in folders other than photos
and files
, you should specify their location with --photo-dir
flags respectively. Note that they only change links in the
markdown files.
- replies
- single/muliple tags
- forwarded posts
- custom post header