all repos — dwm @ d6e0e6e9879c144f5d374fca0c015fd6208fc27e

fork of suckless dynamic window manager

several changes, new stuff
Anselm R. Garbe
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 18:53:41 +0200




7 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

jump to
M bar.cbar.c

@@ -5,22 +5,24 @@ */

#include "wm.h" -static const char *status[] = { - "sh", "-c", "echo -n `date` `uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g'`" - " `acpi | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//'`", 0 \ -}; - void draw_bar() { - static char buf[1024]; - - buf[0] = 0; - pipe_spawn(buf, sizeof(buf), dpy, (char **)status); - brush.rect = barrect; brush.rect.x = brush.rect.y = 0; - draw(dpy, &brush, False, buf); + draw(dpy, &brush, False, NULL); + + if(stack) { + brush.rect.width = textwidth(&brush.font, stack->name) + labelheight(&brush.font); + swap((void **)&brush.fg, (void **)&; + draw(dpy, &brush, False, stack->name); + swap((void **)&brush.fg, (void **)&; + brush.rect.x += brush.rect.width; + } + + brush.rect.width = textwidth(&brush.font, statustext) + labelheight(&brush.font); + brush.rect.x = barrect.x + barrect.width - brush.rect.width; + draw(dpy, &brush, False, statustext); XCopyArea(dpy, brush.drawable, barwin, brush.gc, 0, 0, barrect.width, barrect.height, 0, 0);
M client.cclient.c

@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ XFreeStringList(list);

} } XFree(name.value); + if(c == stack) + draw_bar(); + else + draw_client(c); } void

@@ -66,6 +70,7 @@ c->r[RFloat].width = wa->width;

c->r[RFloat].height = wa->height; c->border = wa->border_width; XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy, c->win, 0); + XSelectInput(dpy, c->win, StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask | EnterWindowMask); XGetTransientForHint(dpy, c->win, &c->trans); if(!XGetWMNormalHints(dpy, c->win, &c->size, &msize) || !c->size.flags) c->size.flags = PSize;
M config.hconfig.h

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ #define FONT "-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*"

#define BGCOLOR "#000000" #define FGCOLOR "#ffaa00" #define BORDERCOLOR "#000000" -#define STATUSDELAY 1 /* milliseconds */ +#define STATUSDELAY 10 /* milliseconds */
M event.cevent.c

@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ break;

} if(ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME || ev->atom == net_atom[NetWMName]) { update_name(c); - /*draw_frame(c->sel);*/ } } }
M util.cutil.c

@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ break;

n += l; } close(pfd[0]); - buf[n - 1] = 0; + buf[n < len ? n : len - 1] = 0; } wait(0); }
M wm.cwm.c

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ XRectangle rect, barrect;

Bool running = True; Bool sel_screen; -char *bartext, tag[256]; +char statustext[1024], tag[256]; int screen; Brush brush = {0};

@@ -35,8 +35,14 @@ Client *clients = NULL;

Client *stack = NULL; static Bool other_wm_running; -static char version[] = "gridwm - " VERSION ", (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe\n"; +static const char version[] = "gridwm - " VERSION ", (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe\n"; static int (*x_error_handler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *); + +static const char *status[] = { + "sh", "-c", "echo -n `date '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'`" + " `uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g'`" + " `acpi | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//'`", 0 +}; static void usage()

@@ -258,9 +264,9 @@ barwin = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, barrect.x, barrect.y,

barrect.width, barrect.height, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); - bartext = NULL; XDefineCursor(dpy, barwin, cursor[CurNormal]); XMapRaised(dpy, barwin); + pipe_spawn(statustext, sizeof(statustext), dpy, (char **)status); draw_bar(); wa.event_mask = SubstructureRedirectMask | EnterWindowMask \

@@ -282,8 +288,10 @@ FD_SET(ConnectionNumber(dpy), &fds);

t = timeout; if(select(ConnectionNumber(dpy) + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &t) > 0) continue; - else if(errno != EINTR) + else if(errno != EINTR) { + pipe_spawn(statustext, sizeof(statustext), dpy, (char **)status); draw_bar(); + } } cleanup();
M wm.hwm.h

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ extern Bool running, sel_screen, grid;

extern void (*handler[LASTEvent]) (XEvent *); extern int screen; -extern char *bartext, tag[256]; +extern char statustext[1024], tag[256]; extern Brush brush; extern Client *clients, *stack;

@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ extern void unmanage(Client *c);

extern Client *getclient(Window w); extern void focus(Client *c); extern void update_name(Client *c); +extern void draw_client(Client *c); /* event.c */ extern unsigned int flush_events(long even_mask);