nvim: add cmd to fix fullscreen and add haskell mode to xmobarrc
la-ninpre leobrekalini@gmail.com
Sun, 16 May 2021 23:48:55 +0300
1 files changed,
8 insertions(+),
0 deletions(-)
jump to
@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@
" alias for capturing group in command mode (for use with regexps) cmap ;( \(\)<Left><Left> +" fix wrong nvim size when starting in alacritty +autocmd VimEnter * :silent exec "!kill -s SIGWINCH $PPID" + " highlight yanked text " i consider this as transition from visually selecting stuff and yanking it " to just yank text object without selecting it@@ -132,3 +135,8 @@ augroup highlight_yank
autocmd! autocmd TextYankPost * silent! lua require'vim.highlight'.on_yank({timeout = 40}) augroup END + +augroup xmobar_syntax + autocmd! + autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile xmobarrc* set syntax=haskell +augroup END