vim: pikchr highlighter small fixes
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 02:24:14 +0300
1 files changed,
10 insertions(+),
6 deletions(-)
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@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ syntax keyword PikchrStatement print assert
syntax keyword PikchrExprFunc abs cos dist int max min sin sqrt syntax keyword PikchrObject arc arrow box circle cylinder dot ellipse file line syntax keyword PikchrObject move oval spline text -syntax keyword PikchrDirection right down left up +syntax keyword PikchrDirection right down left up nextgroup=PikchrNumber syntax keyword PikchrDirection n north ne e east se s south sw w west nw syntax keyword PikchrPlace of in vertex syntax keyword PikchrAttribute dashed dotted color fill behind cw ccw@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ syntax keyword PikchrAttribute thick thin solid chop fit
syntax keyword PikchrTextAttr above aligned below big small bold italic syntax keyword PikchrTextAttr center ljust rjust syntax keyword PikchrLocAttr at with +syntax keyword PikchrEdgename n north ne nw e east s south se sw w west +syntax keyword PikchrEdgename t top bot bottom c center start end left right +syntax keyword PikchrEdgename nextgroup=PikchrPlace syntax keyword PikchrNumPropty diameter ht height rad radius thickness width wid syntax keyword PikchrNthObj last previous syntax keyword PikchrOperator + - * /@@ -46,12 +49,12 @@ " matches
syntax match PikchrAttributeSup "\v<same(\sas)?>" syntax match PikchrAttributeSup "\v<invis(ible)?>" syntax match PikchrAttributeSup "\v\<-\>?|-\>" -syntax match PikchrPosition "(((of\sthe\s)\?\sway\s)\?between)|and" -syntax match PikchrDotEdgename "\v\.((n(orth)?)|(e(ast)?)|(s(outh)?)|(w(est)?)|se|se|nw|ne)" +syntax match PikchrPosition "\v(((of\sthe\s)?\sway\s)?between)|and" +syntax match PikchrDotEdgename "\v\.(n(e|w)?(orth)?|e(ast)?|s(e|w)?(outh)?|w(est)?)" syntax match PikchrDotEdgename "\v\.(bot(tom)?|t(op)?|right|left|start|end|c(enter)?)" -syntax match PikchrDotPropty "\v\.(color|dashed|diameter|dotted|fill|ht|height|rad(ius)?|thickness|wid(th)?)" -syntax match PikchrPathElem "\v<(from|then|go|to|(until\s)?even\swith|heading|close)>" - +syntax match PikchrDotPropty "\v\.(color|dashed|diameter|dotted|fill)" +syntax match PikchrDotPropty "\v\.(ht|height|rad(ius)?|thickness|wid(th)?)" +syntax match PikchrPathElem "\v<(from|then|go|to|(until\s)?even\swith|heading|close)>" nextgroup=PikchrDirection """ highlight block@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ hi def link PikchrLocAttr Tag
hi def link PikchrPlace Function hi def link PikchrTextAttr Identifier hi def link PikchrNumPropty Identifier +hi def link PikchrEdgename Identifier hi def link PikchrNthObj Constant hi def link PikchrOperator Operator