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a hyperfast web frontend for git written in c

auth: document tweakables in lua script

Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <>
Jason A. Donenfeld
Fri, 17 Jan 2014 15:34:44 +0100




1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

jump to
M filters/simple-authentication.luafilters/simple-authentication.lua

@@ -12,17 +12,27 @@ -- Configure these variables for your settings.

-- -- +-- A list of password protected repositories along with the users who can access them. local protected_repos = { glouglou = { laurent = true, jason = true }, qt = { jason = true, bob = true } } +-- Please note that, in production, you'll want to replace this simple lookup +-- table with either a table of salted and hashed passwords (using something +-- smart like scrypt), or replace this table lookup with an external support, +-- such as consulting your system's pam / shadow system, or an external +-- database, or an external validating web service. For testing, or for +-- extremely low-security usage, you may be able, however, to get away with +-- compromising on hardcoding the passwords in cleartext, as we have done here. local users = { jason = "secretpassword", laurent = "s3cr3t", bob = "ilikelua" } +-- All cookies will be authenticated based on this secret. Make it something +-- totally random and impossible to guess. It should be large. local secret = "BE SURE TO CUSTOMIZE THIS STRING TO SOMETHING BIG AND RANDOM"