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a hyperfast web frontend for git written in c

md2html: use utf-8 and flush output buffer

Otherwise we get the classic Python UTF-8 errors, and the text is all
out of order. While we're at it, switch to python3 so we only have to
support one set of oddball semantics.

Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <>
Suggested-by: Daniel Campbell <>
Jason A. Donenfeld
Fri, 17 Jun 2016 12:27:10 +0200




1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

jump to
M filters/html-converters/md2htmlfilters/html-converters/md2html

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@

-#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 import markdown +import sys +import io from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter -print(''' +sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8') +sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8') +sys.stdout.write(''' <style> .markdown-body { font-size: 14px;

@@ -279,11 +283,12 @@ background-color: transparent;

border: none; } ''') -print(HtmlFormatter(style='pastie').get_style_defs('.highlight')) -print(''' +sys.stdout.write(HtmlFormatter(style='pastie').get_style_defs('.highlight')) +sys.stdout.write(''' </style> ''') -print("<div class='markdown-body'>") +sys.stdout.write("<div class='markdown-body'>") +sys.stdout.flush() # Note: you may want to run this through bleach for sanitization markdown.markdownFromFile(output_format="html5", extensions=["markdown.extensions.fenced_code", "markdown.extensions.codehilite", "markdown.extensions.tables"], extension_configs={"markdown.extensions.codehilite":{"css_class":"highlight"}}) -print("</div>") +sys.stdout.write("</div>")