# xmonad config this is rather simple xmobar config of mine. it is based primarily on [distrotube's][1] config, but i changed quite a few things and added toki pona fonts. ![preview](doc/preview.jpg) ## dependencies this config will work only for xmonad >=0.17! ### libraries this list can be different depending on distro, consult your distro's package list for specific package names. * libx11-dev * libxinerama-dev (for multiple screens) * libxext-dev * libxrandr-dev * libxss-dev * libxft-dev * libxpm-dev ### software * [stack][2] * dmenu (run launcher) * alacritty (terminal emulator) * dunst (notification daemon) * picom (compositor) * feh (wallpaper setter) * trayer (tray manager) #### optional * [dmscripts][3] * lxsession (polkit stuff) * NetworkManager (nm-applet) * volumeicon (tray volume icon) * kbdd (per-window keyboard layout) * amfora (gemini client) * thunar (file manager) * brave (web browser) * mpv (media player) * moc (music on console) * qalculate-gtk (calculator) * geary (mail client) ### fonts * lato * [linja pona][4] #### optional * Press Start 2P * Font Awesome * Font Awesome Brands ## installation 1. install all dependencies from the list. 2. clone this repository to `~/.xmonad` ``` $ git clone https://git.aaoth.xyz/xmonad-config.git ~/.xmonad ``` 3. update and sync submodules ``` $ git submodule init $ git submodule update ``` 4. install with stack (this can take some time, since it's compiling from source). make sure that you have `~/.local/bin` in your `PATH`. ``` $ stack install ``` 5. copy `xmonad.desktop` file to `/usr/share/xsessions` if you are using display manager ``` $ sudo cp xmonad.desktop /usr/share/xsessions ``` 6. log in and enjoy ## keybindings *work in progress* [1]:https://gitlab.com/dwt1/dotfiles/-/tree/master/.xmonad [2]:https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ [3]:https://gitlab.com/dwt1/dmscripts [4]:http://musilili.net/linja-pona/