Config { font = "xft:Jet Brains Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true;hinting=true" , additionalFonts = [] , bgColor = "#2e3440" , fgColor = "#d8dee9" , position = Top , lowerOnStart = True , hideOnStart = False , allDesktops = True , persistent = True , iconRoot = "/home/aaoth/.xmonad/xpm/" -- default: "." , commands = [ -- Time and date Run Date "%b %d %Y %H:%M" "date" 50 -- Network up and down , Run Network "eno1" ["-t", "<rx>kb <tx>kb"] 20 , Run Network "wg0" ["-t", "<rx>kb <tx>kb"] 20 -- Cpu usage in percent , Run Cpu ["-t", "<total>%","-H","50","--high","red"] 20 -- Ram used number and percent , Run Memory ["-t", "<used>M (<usedratio>%)"] 20 -- Disk space free , Run DiskU [("/", "<free> free")] [] 60 -- Runs a standard shell command 'uname -r' to get kernel version , Run Com "uname" ["-r"] "" 3600 ] , sepChar = "%" , alignSep = "}{" , template = "<icon=haskell_20.xpm/>}{%uname% <fc=#666666>|</fc> <icon=cpu_20.xpm/> %cpu% <fc=#666666>|</fc> <icon=memory-icon_20.xpm/> %memory% <fc=#666666>|</fc> <icon=harddisk-icon_20.xpm/> %disku% <fc=#666666>|</fc> %eno1% wg: %wg0% <fc=#666666>|</fc> %date% " }