if xmonad >=0.17 isn't available from your distro's package manager, the better option would be to use stack to build xmonad. install stack using your package manager or consider [stack's documentation][1]. [1]:https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ you need to copy `example/stack.yml.example` to `~/.config/xmonad/stack.yml`. and to copy `example/build` script to `~/.config/xmonad/build`. these are needed for xmonad to use stack for rebuilding. ``` $ cp ~/.config/xmonad/example/stack.yml.example ~/.config/xmonad/stack.yaml $ cp ~/.config/xmonad/example/build ~/.config/xmonad/build ``` also you need to fetch bunlded submodules using git (or provide xmonad-git and xmonad-contrib-git using some other way). ``` $ git submodule init $ git submodule update ```