# telebonk (or terebonk, or テレボンク) is a reposter from [honk][1] to telegram. [1]: https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk ## usage create bot in telegram to obtain the token. note down chat_id of a chat that you want to post honks to (see chat_id section). obtain a honk authentication token by using it's api. install telebonk and run it (replace values in angle brackets with an actual values): ``` $ go install git.aaoth.xyz/la-ninpre/telebonk@latest $ telebonk -bot_token -chat_id -honk_token -honk_url ``` ### chat_id telegram `chat_id` is an integer. you can get it from a web version of telegram or by using the [`getUpdates` method of a telegram bot][2] and sending a message to a bot. for channels you must add `-100` to the id you got. [2]: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates ## bugs yes. ## licence telebonk is distributed under the terms of ISC licence (see `LICENCE`).