net/alfis/patches/patch-Cargo_toml (view raw)
1I know that this is a dirty awful thing to do, but i'm lazy to figure out how to
2disable that f-ing dependency that fails to fetch. Not going to compile gui anyway, no
3point in trying.
4Index: Cargo.toml
5--- Cargo.toml.orig
6+++ Cargo.toml
7@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ lazy_static = "1.4.0"
8 spmc = "0.3.0"
10 # Optional dependencies regulated by features
11-web-view = { git = "", features = [], optional = true }
12+# web-view = { git = "", features = [], optional = true }
13 tinyfiledialogs = { version = "3.9.1", optional = true }
14 open = { version = "3.0.3", optional = true }
16@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ProductName="ALFIS"
17 FileDescription="Alternative Free Identity System"
19 [features]
20-webgui = ["web-view", "tinyfiledialogs", "open"]
21-edge = ["webgui", "web-view/edge"]
22+# webgui = ["web-view", "tinyfiledialogs", "open"]
23+# edge = ["webgui", "web-view/edge"]
24 doh = ["ureq"]
25-default = ["webgui", "doh"]
26+default = ["doh"]