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www/gatus/patches/patch-config_config_go.orig (view raw)

 1Index: config/config.go
 2--- config/config.go.orig
 3+++ config/config.go
 4@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ import (
 5 const (
 6 	// DefaultConfigurationFilePath is the default path that will be used to search for the configuration file
 7 	// if a custom path isn't configured through the GATUS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
 8-	DefaultConfigurationFilePath = "config/config.yaml"
 9+	DefaultConfigurationFilePath = "${SYSCONFDIR}/gatus"
11 	// DefaultFallbackConfigurationFilePath is the default fallback path that will be used to search for the
12 	// configuration file if DefaultConfigurationFilePath didn't work
13-	DefaultFallbackConfigurationFilePath = "config/config.yml"
14+	DefaultFallbackConfigurationFilePath = "${SYSCONFDIR}/gatus"
15 )