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fork of suckless dynamic window manager

BUGS (view raw)

 118:17 < Biolunar> when i change my resolution in dwm (to a smaller one) and then back to the native, the top bar is not repainted. that's since 5.7.2, in 5.6 it worked fine
 218:19 < Biolunar> is it just happening to me or a (known) bug?
 318:24 < Biolunar> and in addition, mplayers fullscreen is limited to the small resolution after i changed it back to the native
 5reproducible with xrandr -s but not with --output and --mode, strange
 8> enternotify is handled even when the entered window is already focused
 9> (eg moving the mouse to the bar and back, scrolling on the border..)
10	>
11	> focusing might be expensive for some clients (eg dim/light up)
12	>
13	> a possible solution is to modify enternotify:
14	>
15	> +       c = wintoclient(ev->window);
16	>        if((m = wintomon(ev->window)) && m != selmon) {
17		>                unfocus(selmon->sel);
18		>                selmon = m;
19		>        }
20		> +       else if (c == selmon->sel || c == NULL)
21	> +               return;
25> another corner case:
27a tiled client can be resized with mod+right click, but it only works
28on the main monitor
30dmenu appears on the monitor where the pointer is and not on selmon