# la-ninpre's dotfiles i use gnu stow to deploy my dotfiles. installation is very straightforward: ``` shell $ git clone https://git.aaoth.xyz/dotfiles.git $ cd dotfiles $ ./install ``` note that you will need to specify `--recurse-submodules` option if you also want to have my xmonad config. for xmonad-specific installation instructions refer to [it's repo][0]. ## programs a list of programs that i have configurations for. * alacritty * bash * cwm * doom-emacs * kitty * moc * mpd * neovim * newsboat * starship prompt * xmobar (although it's only useful with xmonad. see above for details) ## scripts a list of useful (for me) shell scripts also provided in current repo. * `clean_local_ssh` -- purges localhost entries from `.ssh/known_hosts`. (yes it's very silly, but i need it because i ssh to my vms and ssh is always complaining about wrong host keys) * `fossil-update` -- updates fossil to latest version * `keylookup` -- receives a public key from keyserver (because gpg is not always able to do so for some reason) * `nimi_sewi` -- a wrapper for [nimi sewi][1] that copies it's output to clipboard and gives a notification * `paperbackup` -- makes a printable qr-code backup for gpg secret key * `print_codes` -- makes a printable qr-code backup for otp recovery codes * `rand` -- outputs random string * `scrot_cmd` -- wrapper for scrot utility to simplify it's usage in keybindings ## license all code in this repo is licensed under an isc license. [0]:https://git.aaoth.xyz/xmonad-config.git [1]:https://fsl.aaoth.xyz/nimisewi