#!/bin/sh # # https://www.romanzolotarev.com/bin/rssg # Copyright 2018 Roman Zolotarev # Copyright 2022 la-ninpre # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # set -e # set -x [ -z "$RSSG_DATE_IMPL" ] && RSSG_DATE_IMPL="GNU" main () { test -n "$1" || usage test -n "$2" || usage test -f "$1" || no_file "$1" index_file=$(readlink -f "$1") test -z "${index_file##*html}" && html=$(cat "$index_file") test -z "${index_file##*md}" && html=$(md_to_html "$index_file") test -n "$html" || usage base="${index_file%/*}" base_url="$(echo "$html" | get_url | sed 's#\(.*\)/[^/]*#\1#')" url=$( echo "$html" | get_url) title="$2" description=$( echo "$html" | get_description | remove_tags | remove_nbsp ) items=$( echo "$html" | get_items) rss=$( echo "$items" | render_items "$base" "$base_url" | render_feed "$url" "$title" "$description") >&2 echo "[rssg] ${index_file##$(pwd)/} $(echo "$rss" | grep -c '') items" echo "$rss" } usage() { echo "usage: ${0##*/} index.{html,md} title > rss.xml" >&2 exit 1 } no_file() { echo "${0##*/}: $1: No such file" >&2 exit 2 } md_to_html() { test -x "$(which lowdown)" || exit 3 lowdown \ --html-no-escapehtml \ --html-no-skiphtml \ --parse-no-metadata \ --parse-no-autolink "$1" } get_title() { awk 'tolower($0)~/^

]*>/,"",$0);print;exit}' } get_url() { grep -i '\(.*\).*#\1 \2 \3#' } get_description() { start='sub("^.*<"s"*"t"("s"[^>]*)?>","")' stop='sub(".*","")&&x=1' awk -v 's=[[:space:]]' -v 't=[Pp]' "$start,$stop;x{exit}" } remove_tags() { sed 's#<[^>]*>##g;s#]*>##g' } remove_nbsp() { sed 's#\ # #g' } rel_to_abs_urls() { site_url="$1" base_url="$2" abs='s#(src|href)="/([^"]*)"#\1="'"$site_url"/'\2"#g' rel='s#(src|href)="([^:/"]*)"#\1="'"$base_url"/'\2"#g' sed -E "$abs;$rel" } date_rfc_822() { _format='+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' _date="$1" case "$RSSG_DATE_IMPL" in "BSD") _date="$(echo "$1" | tr -cd '[:digit:]')0000" date -j "$_format" "$_date" ;; "GNU") date -d "$_date" "$_format" ;; *) ;; esac } render_items() { while read -r i do render_item "$1" "$2" "$i" done } render_item() { base="$1" base_url="$2" item="$3" site_url="$(echo "$base_url"| sed 's#\(.*//.*\)/.*#\1#')" date=$(echo "$item"|awk '{print$2}') url=$(echo "$item"|awk '{print$1}') f="$base/$url" test -f "$f" && html=$(cat "$f") test -f "${f%\.html}.md" && html=$(md_to_html "${f%\.html}.md") description=$( echo "$html" | rel_to_abs_urls "$site_url" "$base_url" | remove_nbsp ) title=$(echo "$description" | get_title) guid="$base_url/$(echo "$url" | sed 's#^/##')" echo ' '"$guid"' '"$guid"' '"$(date_rfc_822 "$date")"' '"$title"' ' } render_feed() { url="$1" title=$(echo "$2" | remove_nbsp) description="$3" base_url="$(echo "$url" | cut -d '/' -f1-3)" echo ' '"$title"' '"$description"' '"$base_url"'/ '"$(date_rfc_822 $date)"' '"$(cat)"' ' } main "$@"