#!/bin/sh -e # # https://rgz.ee/bin/ssg6 # Copyright 2018-2019 Roman Zolotarev # Copyright 2022 la-ninpre # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # main() { test -n "$1" || usage test -n "$2" || usage test -n "$3" || usage test -n "$4" || usage test -n "$5" || usage test -d "$1" || no_dir "$1" test -d "$2" || no_dir "$2" test -d "$3" || no_dir "$3" src=$(readlink_f "$1") dst=$(readlink_f "$2") gemdst=$(readlink_f "$3") IGNORE=$( if ! test -f "$src/.ssgignore"; then printf ' ! -path "*/.*"' return fi while read -r x; do test -n "$x" || continue printf ' ! -path "*/%s*"' "$x" done <"$src/.ssgignore" ) # files title="$4" h_file="$src/_header.html" f_file="$src/_footer.html" gf_file="$src/_gemfooter.gmi" test -f "$f_file" && FOOTER=$(cat "$f_file") && export FOOTER test -f "$h_file" && HEADER=$(cat "$h_file") && export HEADER test -f "$gf_file" && GEMFOOTER=$(cat "$gf_file") && export GEMFOOTER list_dirs "$src" | (cd "$src" && cpio -pdu "$dst") list_dirs "$src" | (cd "$src" && cpio -pdu "$gemdst") fs=$( if test -f "$dst/.files"; then list_affected_files "$src" "$dst/.files" if test -f "$gemdst/.files"; then list_affected_files "$src" "$gemdst/.files" fi else list_files "$1" fi ) if test -n "$fs"; then echo "$fs" | tee "$dst/.files" echo "$fs" | tee "$gemdst/.files" if echo "$fs" | grep -q '\.md$'; then if test -x "$(which lowdown 2>/dev/null)"; then echo "$fs" | grep '\.md$' | render_md_files_lowdown "$src" "$dst" "$title" echo "$fs" | grep '\.md$' | render_md_files_lowdown_gemini "$src" "$gemdst" else echo "couldn't find lowdown nor Markdown.pl" exit 3 fi fi echo "$fs" | grep '\.html$' | render_html_files "$src" "$dst" "$title" echo "$fs" | grep -Ev '\.md$|\.html$' | (cd "$src" && cpio -pu "$dst") echo "$fs" | grep -Ev '\.md$|\.gmi$' | (cd "$src" && cpio -pu "$gemdst") fi printf '[ssg] ' >&2 print_status 'file, ' 'files, ' "$fs" >&2 # sitemap base_url="$5" date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) urls=$(list_pages "$src") test -n "$urls" && render_sitemap "$urls" "$base_url" "$date" >"$dst/sitemap.xml" print_status 'url' 'urls' "$urls" >&2 echo >&2 } readlink_f() { file="$1" cd "$(dirname "$file")" file=$(basename "$file") while test -L "$file"; do file=$(readlink "$file") cd "$(dirname "$file")" file=$(basename "$file") done dir=$(pwd -P) echo "$dir/$file" } print_status() { test -z "$3" && printf 'no %s' "$2" && return echo "$3" | awk -v singular="$1" -v plural="$2" ' END { if (NR==1) printf NR " " singular if (NR>1) printf NR " " plural }' } usage() { echo "usage: ${0##*/} src dst gemdst title base_url" >&2 exit 1 } no_dir() { echo "${0##*/}: $1: No such directory" >&2 exit 2 } list_dirs() { cd "$1" && eval "find . -type d ! -name '.' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE" } list_files() { cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -name '.' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE" } list_dependant_files() { e="\\( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.md' -o -name '*.css' -o -name '*.js' \\)" cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -name '.' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE $e" } list_newer_files() { cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -name '.' $IGNORE -newer $2" } has_partials() { grep -qE '^./_.*\.html$|^./_.*\.js$|^./_.*\.css$' } list_affected_files() { fs=$(list_newer_files "$1" "$2") if echo "$fs" | has_partials; then list_dependant_files "$1" else echo "$fs" fi } render_html_files() { while read -r f; do render_html_file "$3" <"$1/$f" >"$2/$f" done } render_md_files_lowdown() { while read -r f; do lowdown \ --html-no-escapehtml \ --html-no-skiphtml \ --parse-no-metadata \ --parse-no-autolink <"$1/$f" | render_html_file "$3" \ >"$2/${f%\.md}.html" done } render_md_files_lowdown_gemini() { while read -r f; do lowdown \ -Tgemini <"$1/$f" | render_gmi_file \ >"$2/${f%\.md}.gmi" done } render_html_file() { # h/t Devin Teske awk -v title="$1" ' { body = body "\n" $0 } END { body = substr(body, 2) if (body ~ /<\/?[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]/) { print body exit } if (match(body, /<[[:space:]]*[Hh]1(>|[[:space:]][^>]*>)/)) { t = substr(body, RSTART + RLENGTH) sub("<[[:space:]]*/[[:space:]]*[Hh]1.*", "", t) gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]$/, "", t) if (t) title = t " — " title } n = split(ENVIRON["HEADER"], header, /\n/) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (match(tolower(header[i]), "")) { head = substr(header[i], 1, RSTART - 1) tail = substr(header[i], RSTART + RLENGTH) print head "" title "" tail } else print header[i] } print body print ENVIRON["FOOTER"] }' } render_gmi_file() { awk ' { body = body "\n" $0 } END { body = substr(body, 2) n = split(body, body_n, /\n/) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (!match(body_n[i], /^=>[[:space:]]*[Hh][Tt]{2}[Pp][Ss]?:\/\/.*/)) { sub(/\.html[[:space:]]*/, ".gmi ", body_n[i]) } print body_n[i] } #print body print ENVIRON["GEMFOOTER"] }' } list_pages() { e="\\( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.md' \\)" cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -path '*/.*' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE $e" | sed 's#^./##;s#.md$#.html#;s#/index.html$#/#' } render_sitemap() { urls="$1" base_url="$2" date="$3" echo '' echo '' echo "$urls" | sed -E 's#^(.*)$#'"$base_url"'/\1'"$date"'1.0#' echo '' } main "$@"