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_includes/pic-path.html (view raw)

 1{% comment %}
 2    the purpose of this file is to provide arrays to use for art browsing
 3{% endcomment %}
 5{%- capture arts -%}
 6{%- for file in site.static_files -%}
 7    {%- if and file.path contains page.title and file.thumbnail != true -%}
 8        {{ file.path }}
 9    {% endif %}
10{%- endfor -%}
11{%- endcapture -%}
12{% assign artpics = arts | split: " " %}
14{%- capture arts_thumbs -%}
15{%- for art in artpics -%}
16    {%- assign art_ext = art | split: "." | last -%}
17    {%- assign art_basepath = art | split: "." | first -%}
18    {%- assign art_name = art_basepath | split: "/" | last -%}
19    {%- assign art_thumbpath = art_basepath \
20        | remove: art_name | append: "thumbs/" \
21        | append: art_name | append: "_thumb." | append: art_ext \
22        | append: " " -%}
23    {{ art_thumbpath }}
24{%- endfor -%}
25{%- endcapture -%}
26{% assign artthumbs = arts_thumbs | split: " " %}